At 35, Jennifer was about as successful a lawyer as a woman her age could be. She had graduated at the top of her class at Harvard 12 years earlier and almost immediately began a meteoric rise to success at Edelstein & Grossman – one of the top corporate law firms on the East coast. In 5 years, she had been promoted 7 times and she had become the youngest female partner the firm had ever had at 30. But all that had come at a price; she was at the office at least 80 hours a week perusing case files, contracts, agreements – the works. She was no stranger to the midnight candle and all that hard work had left very little time for any social activities outside the occasional nightcaps with some of her colleagues when they had to work late and a few dinners the company put together when they were signing big clients or celebrating successful deals. She knew she had no time for a relationship but that didn’t mean she was sex starved either. She had been through her share of cute young ...