Getting Caught

It had been a brutal week going back and forth between the hospital, work, and home. With an ever-growing pile of work and bills, Maleek had not been getting much sleep, averaging about 4 hours each night. His life was a storm but amidst all the chaos, he always found some solace in his sexuality. That Friday night, he had been at a boring networking event and afterwards went for drinks with a new girl he'd recently met on Tinder - Sola. She had that unbelievable joie d'vivre so he knew drinks with her would definitely do a lot for his spirit. After several margaritas (which he considered inappropriate for a manly man), he could feel all his burdens lighten even if only for the briefest of periods. As the evening wound down, things got hot and heavy as the loud music reverberated through the air and the drinks flowed. On the sofa he was sharing with Sola and her friend Bimpe (who looked like she was nodding off due to what could only be described as a "little too much ...