Kissing Cousins II
"You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do", Demide said to the two groups of very tipsy and very excited colleagues as they took turns playing the card game, Dirty Minds. "Dildo", screamed Osagie as everyone burst out in laughter. "Tent", echoed Ike from the back. "Correct", screamed Demide, with the intensity of a child who had defeated Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat for the first time. Afam had invited his cousin, Nkiru, for "games night" at Demide's house. At first, she felt shy since the only person she knew was Afam. As the night went on and the drinks flowed, she loosened up, began to mingle and soon felt comfortable with the crown. She noticed Ike only after she heard him yell out his answer. They made eye contact as she clapped in excitement. He was a caramel warrior with a shiny bald head and a beard as thick as his chest. He reminded her of Mr T from the A-Team. He came over to say hi to her as he poured himself another drink. He sat next to her and for the next 30 minutes, she couldn't stop giggling as he invented funny stories about the more curious looking people in the group. He handed her his card just before he left the party.
She stepped into the bathroom to take a shower as he sat on her bed waiting. After 15 minutes, she still hadn't emerged and so he casually strolled toward the door to her bathroom. He peeped through the space between the hinge and the door and could see her silhouette, standing still as the water flowed from the shower head. "Are you ok", he yelled. "Come join me", came her voice from the shower stall. He laughed in disbelief. He couldn't believe it when the shower stall came open. All he could see was an index finger directing him in. He came in, still fully clothed with a cheeky smile on his face. "You're a little overdressed, don't you think?", she said with a stare that dropped his sweatpants by itself. He took off his t-shirt and flung it onto the sink as he stepped in the steamy shower enclosure. Nkiru's wet body glistened as she held him close and kissed him, water streaming down their naked bodies. She perched his hard-on between her wet thighs and proceeded to gently jerk her thighs back and forth. His pulsating cock throbbed as it grazed her pussy lips and her clit and soon he had spun her around to kiss her neck and caress her little wet breasts. She yielded as she bent over and guided him into her. She stood still, savouring the fullness of him inside her. She held onto the edge of the shower enclosure and wiggled her ass back and forth as she milked his hardness. She was totally in control and when he tried to hold her waist, she smacked his hands away. This was her show. She wiggled her waist, writhed her hips, contorted her body and danced on him in every way he could imagine, and several that he couldn't. As his moans became louder she began to use the walls of her wet pussy to tug at the base of his dick. She felt him spurt inside her as he groaned in pleasure and lost his balance. He buried his face between her legs as his cum leaked out of her...He just couldn't get enough...They had both been so carried away between being high and horny that they hadn't heard the sound of the door unlock. Afam had come back early. He had seen everything...
Two days later, she called him to "just say hi". He asked her out to dinner at the new Japanese restaurant that had just opened in V/I. She wore a short white dress, red pumps and a red clutch encrusted with crystals that dazzled in the light. Over sushi and white wine, they talked about life in Lagos, Afam, work and everything in between. "So you live with your cousin", he asked. "That can't be any fun. I'm sure you have a curfew at 9pm", he teased. "He's actually pretty cool as long as he's well fed and the house isn't messy", she replied. "Cheers to that", Ike replied. "I look forward to doing this again really soon", he said, as he dropped her in front of Afam's flat. She was excited at the prospect of a second date.
That weekend, they saw the new Star Wars movie at the Palms. Afterwards, they went over to grab some Chinese takeaway before Ike dropped her off. Afam was out of town for the weekend so Nkiru invited Ike in for a quick drink. She caught a glimpse of the bulge in his jeans 2 drinks in, and she teased him with the classic "is that a phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me". He covered his face in embarrassment and immediately grabbed a throw-pillow to cover his laps. "It's ok. I'm flattered", she said as she leaned in to kiss him and stroke the bulge in his jeans. After caressing it for a few minutes, she whispered to him "time to go home, big boy", as she smiled coyly. Ike exhaled with relief as he walked out the door, completely dazed by what had just happened. He had the worst case of blue balls. As he recollected what had happened earlier that night, he slipped his throbbing erection into his recently purchased FleshLight and gently stroked himself up and down as he laid in bed. Within 5 minutes he spurted a huge load, went to wash up and slept. He couldn't stop imagining what her lips would feel like around his manhood or what pleasures rested between her voluptuous thighs. Just before he slept, she sent him a photo on WhatsApp showing just her pouted lips with blood red lipstick. It was all he dreamt about all night. He woke up with another massive erection which he took care of in the shower, that Sunday morning. While he was making himself breakfast, his phone rang. It was Nkiru. She was bored and wanted him to come over. He grabbed his keys, abandoned the eggs he was frying and flew into his Nissan as he raced to her flat. He felt like his heart would explode with excitement.
He knocked on the door. She answered in grey sweat pants and a tank top with no bra on. She gave him a hug in excitement as he walked in. "Want some eggs," she said as she walked toward the kitchen. "No thanks, I'm not hungry", he replied as he sat on the same spot on the couch as he had yesterday. She returned a few moments later to sit beside him and scroll through the channels. There was nothing worth watching so she decided to show him around the house. They went from the kitchen to her room and then to Afam's room. They ended up on the balcony overlooking the beach where Afam and she smoked weed occasionally. She lit up a joint and inhaled as she handed it over to him. He took a hit and soon they were laughing, puffing and passing to each other. They went through 2 joints together. "Weed makes me super horny", she said as she walked back into the house. Ike wasn't sure what to do anymore but he was going to follow her lead wherever it went.

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